The Chosen People
The Chosen People
Volume XIX, Issue 1 February 2013
The Spiritual Restoration of Israel • Testimonies from the Land of
Israel • Bible Study: The King’s Son Risen from the Dead
OCTOBER 3-5, 2013
NEW YORK, NEW YORK2 The Chosen People
The nation is physically restored.
The enemies are conquered. The
curse of Adam is lifted and most
wonderful of all, the Prince of
Peace—Jesus the Messiah—rules on
His rightful throne in Jerusalem. This
is the magnificent fulfillment of the
Abrahamic Covenant given to our
forefather Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3) and
passed along to Isaac and Jacob and to
Jewish people as well as all others
who have been bound to God
through Messiah’s gracious gift of
atonement and reconciliation.
I find these scriptural truths both
comforting and exhilarating! They
help me to remember to put my
hope for the glorious future of the
Jewish people in God—not in world
opinion or even in the continued
favor of the United States of
America—though of course I hope
this continues. In the end, the
restoration of Israel is not
accomplished only as a blessing to
God’s chosen people, but also as a
testimony of His love for the world
and His desire that all mankind
witness His faithfulness, justice and
Unfortunately, so many in the
Church today are unaware of these
portions of Scripture and do not
study them seriously! We believe it is
important for God’s people to
understand His plan for Israel and the
Jewish people.
In order to promote better
understanding of biblical prophecy
and teaching regarding the Jewish
people and the Land of Israel, we
have planned another Bible
conference that I believe will be one
of the most important events of 2013.
For I will take you from among
the nations, gather you out of all
countries, and bring you into your
own land.
This verse tells us that the nation
of Israel will be gathered from the
nations around the world where they
were scattered and brought back to
the Land of Israel in unbelief. In other
words, the Jewish people will
physically return to the Land of Israel
before being spiritually restored to the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
through Jesus the Messiah.
This prophecy is being
miraculously realized in our day.
After many centuries, the Jewish
people are back in the Land of
Israel—six million strong. Staff
members there can testify how
blessed they feel, despite the danger
and the hardships, to be a part of
this scriptural fulfillment. There are,
praise God, almost 15,000 Jewish
believers in Israel today—but this is
only a small percentage of the Holy
Land’s Jewish population.
We understand that the full
measure of fulfillment will occur only
when the end-time remnant of Israel
(Rom. 11:25-29) cries out to the
One whom they have pierced and
He returns to the Mount of Olives,
conquers the enemies of Israel and
initiates His reign on His rightful
throne in Jerusalem (Zech. 12:10,
13:1-2, 14:8-10).
I am especially thrilled by the
conditions described in
Ezekiel 36:28-37. Why not open your
Bible along with me and read the
amazing description of what Israel’s
glorious future holds?
Dear friend in the Messiah,
In 1859, Charles Dickens penned
the famous words, “It was the best of
times—it was the worst of times” in
his renowned novel about the French
revolution, A Tale of Two Cities. He
might just as well be describing the
current condition of Israel among the
nations in 2013, for Israel is emerging
both as an increasingly powerful yet
increasingly besieged nation.
One of the great sections of
Scripture that speaks about the future
of Israel is found in the writings of the
prophet Ezekiel, particularly in chapters
36-39. Chapter 37 is the jewel in the
crown—the centerpiece of this section
of Ezekiel. The passage about the “dry
bones” has become a deeply embedded
part of our history and culture as a
potent and poetic sign of hope.
The description of Israel is true at
this very moment, as swirling political
events and the intensification of
hostilities make the future look bleak.
Yet the hope we have based on the
promises of God in the Bible reminds
us that God’s purposes for Israel are
being fulfilled even at this time. I want
to highlight a few passages, and then
tell you about something that Chosen
People Ministries is planning which
I know you will find incredibly
The Future of Israel
According to
Ezekiel Chapter 36
In chapter 36, verse 24, the prophet
prophesies to the people of Israel
about the nation’s future restoration to
the Land of Promise. He writes,
2 The Chosen People
The Spiritual
Restoration of Israel1212_NL_Lead_MG_AMS_SM_Draft
The People, the
Land and the
Future of Israel:
October 3-5, 2013
Location: New York City
This event will take place
in New York City—the
center of Jewish life outside
of Israel. It will be held in
the middle of Manhattan,
which has more
synagogues, Jewish
seminaries and better
bagels than any other city
in the United States.
Conference Theme:
The People, the Land
and the Future of Israel
The conference will address this
topic from the perspective of both
Old and New Testament Scriptures.
This is not a conference about
politics! Rather, it will seek to bring
together some of our best Old and
New Testament scholars to teach us
what the Bible says about Israel and
the Jewish people.
Venue: Calvary Baptist
Church in Manhattan
Calvary Baptist is a large, historic
church in the middle of Manhattan.
Chosen People Ministries has a long
history of relationship with Calvary
Baptist, and some of our earliest
prophecy conferences took place at
this church—even some during the
years of the Holocaust! The church
can hold 1,000 people and we hope
that this will be enough room.
Speakers: Too Many to Name!
Some of the finest Bible scholars in
our country will be presenting
messages on topics related to Israel
and the Jewish people. These include
Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. John Feinberg,
Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Michael Brown,
Dr. David Epstein, pastor of Calvary
Baptist Church and our host, and
many others, including me, who will
speak on these critical issues.
The full roster of speakers as well as
details, including the cost of tickets for
the event, is now available on our
website at
The conference will begin on
Thursday evening, October 3 and
continue all day Friday and
Saturday—concluding with a large
public event on Saturday night, the
capstone of the conference, featuring
our dear friend and brother Joel
I hope that you will want to attend
the conference and at least visit the
webpage to see what we are planning.
Please remember to pray for the
peace of Jerusalem, even as we
await the return of the Prince of
Thank you so much for your
prayers and faithful support of our
ministry among Jewish people in
Israel, New York City and fifteen
other countries around the world. We
could not do this ministry without
Yours in hope,
February 2013 3Hanukkah at the
Netanya Dry Food
Distribution Center
We are serving over 300 people with six tons of food
every month at our distribution center in the Open
Market of Netanya. This is a huge task that takes many
hours and many volunteers to get the job done.
Jewish biblical holidays are especially fun for us as a
family and in front-line ministry to our Israeli people.
The holidays give us the opportunity to point to our
Messiah Yeshua. For example, when we lit the Hanukkah
candles and had the menorah on our desk for everyone to
see, we praised the Lord for sending His Eternal Light
into the world to give us salvation in Yeshua. I sit with
each person who comes, offering a caring ear to listen as
many of them share their difficult situations. As we serve
the Lord Yeshua with all our hearts, we do not even have
to look for opportunities to share His love, as they come
to us automatically—hundreds of them every month.
People often ask us for prayer for their health
conditions, their family members, or their financial
difficulties. They always leave with a sense that we care
for them and love them unconditionally. Most of the
time, they also go with a smile on their face, thanking us
and thanking God for the bags of food they receive,
which cost roughly twenty-five dollars apiece. Recently,
several people have also asked us to visit them in their
homes. Please pray for all these wonderful opportunities.
God is good and always provides for His perfect
Food Recipient at Soup Kitchen Looks Up to Heaven
Every week, over seventy people are treated like royalty
at the Netanya Soup Kitchen. Each person is served a
home-cooked, sit-down meal and receives packages of
beautiful fruits, vegetables and high-quality bread to take
home. Every seat is full, as we also bless them with live,
comforting, Spirit-filled music during their meal.
We also give out cards with a Scripture verse
printed that says either, “That if you confess with your
mouth Yeshua (Jesus) as Lord, and believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”
(Romans 10:9), or “…whoever calls on the name of the
Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21). These are written in
Hebrew, Russian and English.
The Scripture cards also have numbers, and we put
them into a hat. Our dear guests take turns picking them
out, one at a time. The numbers determine the order in
which the take-home packages are received. One week,
a particular lady was about to put her hand into the hat
to pick a number. She first looked up to heaven, said a
prayer and pulled out the card with number one. With a
huge smile, she said, “Thank you God! Thank you God!”
I was able tell her that God is real and that she should
always turn to Him and He will hear her prayers. Many
people sitting around her witnessed this simple yet
powerful event.
Praise the Lord for using these simple tools and acts of
love and kindness to open the eyes and hearts of our
people to Yeshua and His eternal salvation. Please keep us
and our guests at the soup kitchen in your prayers. If you
want to take some further steps, come volunteer with us!
4 The Chosen PeopleA Day Under Fire in Sderot
It is very scary to be under rocket attack. One
particular day, when the siren sounded yet again, we had
to drop everything and run for a shelter. Our apartment
is not equipped with one, and we couldn’t reach a safe
place in time. One of the rockets fell not far from our
house and the explosion was very powerful, but the Lord
kept us safe. We all were very frightened, but we were
blessed with the opportunity to witness about God’s
love to people.
We were able to bring three groups out of the city
and away from the rocket attacks. The first group
consisted of elderly Holocaust survivors from Sderot.
The second was children from Ashkelon, for whom we
arranged a vacation in Jerusalem. The third was a group
of single mothers with their kids, for whom we
organized a nice trip away from the constant sirens. It
was a great time to share that God loves them very
much. A few of them asked us to pray for them, and one
of them made a commitment to read the Bible.
In Ashdod, we contacted the local municipality and
offered to provide food packages for those in need.
Several times, I have received calls from the deputy
mayor’s office with a request to deliver packages to
needy people’s homes. One was a woman with four
children, pregnant with the fifth, whose husband had
been called up to the army. She was scared to leave the
house with the children, and she couldn’t leave them
with anybody else. Her food supplies ran out quickly
and she turned to us—so I brought a food package to
their home.
We are grateful to those who were praying and are
still praying for us! Praise the Lord!
Yoked Together in
Messiah’s Ministry
Eugene and Victoria L. were born in different
parts of the former Soviet Union and raised in
atheistic Jewish families. As a result, they considered
Jesus to be nothing more than a Jewish teacher who
lived long ago and then died. However, God had a
plan for both of them. Eugene immigrated to Israel
in the beginning of 1991. On the way to Israel
somebody gave him a Bible, which he read to find
out more about the history of the Jewish people,
carefully avoiding reading from the New Testament.
While in Jerusalem, he had a spiritual experience,
after which he decided to read the “Christian” part
of the Bible. He was surprised to find it was written
almost in its entirety by Jews, for Jews, and about
the Jewish Messiah. After a few more years of
searching, he asked Yeshua to come into his life and
guide him as a true disciple.
Victoria, who had lived in Israel since 1993,
became a follower of Yeshua while visiting her
family back in Belarus. She met and married
Eugene after she returned to Israel, when she came
to a congregation in Jaffa where Eugene was already
In addition to personal evangelism and leading
Bible studies, Eugene serves with Chosen People
Ministries in Israel through a wide variety of
ministries—including food distribution,
congregational work, ministry among Holocaust
survivors, and organizing and leading biblical tours
for tourists from different churches from around the
world. Victoria is not only a loving wife and mother
to their three daughters, but is also a faithful
ministry partner.
Eugene & Victoria
February 2013 56 The Chosen People
B y Dan I e L Go LDB e R G , Th.D., D.D.
What do Abraham, Buddha and
Mohammed have in common?
Each of them is said to be the
founder of a great world religion.
And each of them is acknowledged
by their followers to have died,
without any claim on their behalf
of a resurrection. Yet, by contrast,
Jesus repeatedly instructed His
disciples that He would be raised
from the dead.
With great detail, our Lord stated
that after He went up to Jerusalem,
He would be put to death, but on
the third day He would rise from
the grave (Mt. 17:22, 23). Matthew
presents us with two great pieces of
evidence that Jesus the Messiah rose
from the dead.
The first convincing piece of
evidence is what was not discovered.
Matthew’s Gospel records that Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary
came to see the tomb (Mt. 28:1).
But instead of finding the body of
the beaten and crucified Messiah,
they were greeted by the joyful
words of the Angel of the Lord, “He
is not here; for He is risen, as He said”
(Mt. 28:6b).
The Roman guards who were
appointed to watch the tomb came
into the city Sunday morning and
reported that it was empty. The
Sanhedrin did not question the
Through Jewish Eyes
See the Bible
MATTHEW 28:1-17
Dr. Goldberg serves as
International Ministries
Representative for
Chosen People
Ministries and lives in
Pineville, North Carolina
with his wife, Madeline.
truthfulness of their report. Eager,
however, to explain away the empty
tomb, they concocted a story and
commanded the soldiers to circulate
it (Mt. 28:11-15).
The King’s Son, the Messiah
Jesus, appeared to many believers
between the morning of His rising
from the dead and His ascension
forty days later.
The New Covenant records ten
major appearances:
1. To the women returning to
the sepulcher (Mt. 28:1-10).
2. To Mary Magdalene at the
tomb (Jn. 20:11-18;
Mk. 16:9-11).
3. To the Apostle Peter
(Lk. 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5).
4. To Cleopas and his friend on
the Road to Emmaus
(Mk.16:12,13; Lk. 24:13-35).
5. To all eleven Apostles
on the eve of Easter day
(Mk. 16:14-18).
6. To all eleven Apostles, one
week later (Jn. 20:26-28).
7. To several disciples at the Sea
of Galilee (Jn. 21:1-23).
8. To the Apostles and over 500
brethren (Mt. 28:16-20;
1 Cor. 15:6).
9. To James, His half-brother
(1 Cor. 15:7).
10. To the Jerusalem Apostles on
the Mount of Olives
(Acts 1:3-8).
The great variety of these
appearances and the testimony
thereof taken together prove that,
“The Lord is risen indeed…”
(Lk. 24:34).
The entire Messianic hope is
based on the truthful foundation of
a Risen Lord (Psa. 16:10; Acts 2:31).
If Messiah is not risen, there is no
message of hope for a sin-cursed,
dying world (1 Cor. 15:14).
The preaching of the Jewish
Apostles was simply the
proclamation of His resurrection.
Their primary purpose was to bear
witness to a Risen Lord and Savior.
If the Messiah is not risen from the
dead, we are still in our sins and
misery (1 Cor. 15:17-19).
Every believer is entitled to the
“blessed hope” expressed by the
Messiah Himself, who promised,
“Because I live, you will live also”
(Jn. 14:19b). The Apostle Paul stated,
“If you confess with your mouth the
Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart
that God has raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).News Briefs
PLeaSe PRay foR PoRTLanD ouTReach
Chosen People Ministries’ volunteer outreach workers
in the Portland, Oregon region have been experiencing
difficulties bearing witness to the Gospel of Messiah.
Security staff has been escorting them out of large events
in public parks, even though there is a federal court
injunction confirming the right of Chosen People
Ministries and other religious speakers to attend such
events and distribute literature. Please pray that First
Amendment rights would be upheld in Portland and
elsewhere, without the need for further litigation.
neW LIfe aT The DeaD Sea
Our dedicated Israel staff member Maxim led a trip to
the Dead Sea with a group of over 50 Holocaust survivors.
They enjoyed ample time for rest and fellowship, and
under Maxim’s direction, there was a gentle sharing of the
Gospel and prayer. However, the day the group was to
return home to Sderot, which is near the border with
Gaza, the town was under attack from rocket fire. Maxim
called the Israeli Home Front Command, and they
advised him to delay the group’s return to Sderot. With
God’s help, they were able to stay for another three nights
in the hotel by the Dead Sea—and during that time, an
88-year-old woman opened her heart to Messiah.
SanDy’S RIPPLeS Reach even To ISRaeL
Staff member Justin Kron, who was leading a trip to
Israel at the time Hurricane Sandy hit, had the opportunity
to meet Deborah* while on a boat off the shores of Eilat
in Southern Israel. Deborah had chosen to extend her stay
in Israel because her high-rise building in lower Manhattan
was without power. Justin writes, “She was alone, and was
clearly interested in chatting to pass the time during our
four-hour excursion. One topic led to another, and
eventually spiritual issues came up. Deborah was very
interested in knowing why I thought that Jesus is the
Messiah. Before we parted, she asked for more information.”
MeSSIanIc JeWISh ISRaeL confeRence
In GeRMany BLeSSeS hunDReDS
Vladimir Pikman, our Germany Director, reports that
the first Messianic Jewish Israel Conference that he and
his co-workers organized was a huge blessing. He writes,
“It was the first conference that united all the Messianic
leaders of Germany in our outreach to German society.
We experienced unprecedented unity in the Spirit.
Hundreds of participants who joined us for this event
were deeply impressed by the love of Yeshua (Jesus) visible
there. The conference has not only strengthened the
Messianic movement and Jewish outreach, but also was a
great testimony of the Messiah.”
Vladimir also reports that a Jewish man—a friend of a
woman whom Vladimir had led to the Lord only weeks
earlier — visited the Messianic congregation. He
approached Vladimir after the service and said, “Svetlana,*
my colleague, told me about Yeshua. She is so excited
about Him. I need Him, too!” He then prayed with
Vladimir to receive the Lord.
February 2013 7
Paris was site of the second Muchan (Hebrew: Ready)
Conference for Messianic Young Adults from around the
world. Over 160 young adults came from 16 countries to
learn together, to praise the Lord and to take daring steps
for Him. The speakers from Australia, the United Kingdom,
France, Israel and the United States shared stories, Bible
teaching and exhorted one another to step out in boldness
for the Lord. We pray that the young adult leaders in their
communities who came will become even more motivated
to share the Gospel. Rachel, one of Chosen People
Ministries’ gifted young leaders, reflected afterward, “We
ate some great croissants and baguettes but most of all, the
sweet sound of young people praising the Lord in English,
French, Russian and Hebrew will be a lasting memory.”
*names have been changedVisit us on the Web at Our Spanish website is ©2013 Chosen People Ministries Printed in the uSa
Chosen People Ministries has been taking the love of the Messiah to Jewish people worldwide since 1894.
Serving in: Argentina • Australia • Baltic States • Canada • Finland • France • Germany • Hong Kong • Israel • Netherlands • New Zealand • Poland • Russia • South Africa • Ukraine
United Kingdom • United States. Chosen People Ministries U.S. Board of Directors: Mr. Tom McHugh, Chairman • Mr. Roy Adams • Mr. Kerry Alberti • Mr. Terry Amick • Dr. Richard Averbeck
Dr. Darrell Bock • Mr. Jeffrey Branman • Ms. Cindy Forbes • Dr. Mitch Glaser • Dr. Gregory Hagg, Vice-Chairman • Mrs. Barbara Medlin • David Schiller, Esquire • Mr. Rande Spiegelman
The Chosen People newsletter is published monthly by Chosen People Ministries. For more information or to receive The Chosen People newsletter, write to: Chosen
People Ministries, International Headquarters, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. In Canada, write to: Box 58103 – 3089 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON
M6A 3C8 ( In Great Britain, write to: P.O. Box 47871, Golders Green, London, NW11 1AL ( In Australia, write
to: Celebrate Messiah Australia, P.O. Box 304, Caulfield, South Vic 3162, Australia ( Contributing Editors: R. Goldstein, S. McHugh,
S. Nassau, N. Parramore, A. Shore; Designer: Lois Gable Ruedinger.
The Chosen People Newsletter
Please remember
Chosen People
Ministries in your
will. “I will bless
those who bless
you.” (Genesis 12:3)
For phone orders call 800-333-4936 in the U.S. Or for even more
resources visit us online at
In Has the Church Replaced
Israel?, author Michael J. Vlach
evaluates the doctrine of
replacement theology (also
known as supersessionism) down
through history, ultimately
arguing in favor of the
nonsupersessionist position.
Thoroughly vetting the most
important hermeneutical and
theological issues related to the
Israel/church relationship, Vlach
explains why “there are
compelling scriptural reasons in both testaments to believe in a
future salvation and restoration of the nation Israel.”
Has the Church Replaced Israel? Code: OB494 $19.99us
Israel, the Church, and the Middle
East Crisis (DVD) is the result of
Chosen People Ministries’
conference held at Biola University.
It focuses on the current Middle East
crisis, with special attention to what
is happening in Iran, Syria, Egypt
and Israel, helping you to
understand current events from the
perspective of Scripture.
DVD set Code: 8041 $19.95us
Make sure to stay connected with chosen People Ministries!
“Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twittter!
Save the
Mark your calendars for October 3-5, 2013!
The People, the Land and the Future of Israel
Conference will be hosted by Calvary Baptist
Church in New York City. This exciting
conference will provide clear teaching on God’s
plan for the future of Israel as expressed in the
Old and New Testaments, enabling Christians
to confront the biblical issues that concern so
many of us.
Internationally-known, well-respected
scholars including Darrell Bock, Michael
Brown, Walter Kaiser, Craig Blaising, Bob
Chisholm, Craig Evans, Mike Wilkins and
others will be offering their timely insights. The
conference will conclude Saturday night,
October 5 with Joel Rosenberg, New York Times
best-selling author, as the main speaker.
For more information, call 1-888-405-5874 or
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Living Streams is a Ministry to the person of interest. This VIP is the person requesting information on how to get saved, what comes after death, how far should I go? These kind of questions anyone search for Jesus in their life would ask. I am Baptist, Pentecostal, Holiness and charismatic in belief.