
What is agritourism? It’s a buzz word that is sweeping across Missouri’s heartland. Many of Missouri’s farms are now inviting the public out to learn how their food is grown and visit a working farm. This is called agritourism.
There are many types of agritourism farms in Missouri. They vary from pumpkin farms, u-pick berry patches and orchards, fee fishing, on-farm retail stores and farm stands, corn mazes and equestrian or horseback riding opportunities. These are just few of the different types of farm destinations available.
To learn more about agritourism, visit the AgriMissouri website or to locate an agritourism farm in your area, search the AgriMissouri Buyer's Guide or download the Agritourism Map.
Agritourism SurveyPDF Document
September 2009 - The Missouri Department of Agriculture has released the first statewide survey dedicated to Missouri’s growing agritourism industry. The Missouri Agritourism Survey was conducted by the University of Missouri Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.