Sheridan County 4-H
4-Family! 4-Fun! 4-Everyone!
Join Montana 4-H as they welcome the Western Region Leaders’ Forum (WRLF) to Billings in March 2014. Agents, staff and volunteers are hard at work planning a conference that will help you to “Discover the Past . Present . Possibilities of 4-H”. Participants will enjoy a first class conference facility and hotel accommodations, national speakers, local entertainment and over 60 informational workshops.
WRLF is an exciting time to network with peers from across the region sharing ideas and building relationships to carry 4-H into the future.
All meals except state’s night out are included in the registration fee.
Registration will be open November 1, 2013
Registration will be open November 1, 2013
All Sheridan County 4-H Leaders are encouraged to attend! There are even opportunities to receive funding through Council. If you are a Sheridan County 4-H Parent and have wondered if you might like to enroll as a 4-H Leader, this conference will also be a great opportunity for you to explore the idea of 4-H leadership and how you can get involved! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jerrica at the Extension Office. 674-2980
Join the Revolution of Resposibility
Targeting Life Skills Through 4-H
October Newsletter
Celebrate National 4-H Week: Oct. 3-9
A Note from Stephanie:
Another 4-H year has begun! I wanted to take this opportunity to send a special THANK YOU to all of the volunteer leaders who put in so many hours during the last 4-H year with their clubs, projects and at the Fair. We do not recognize and thank our leaders enough. I am blessed to have worked with such a great people in the Sheridan County 4-H program these last few months. I am sad to say that my last day will be October 15. I encourage 4-H members and leaders to stay active in such great program. As you look further into your newsletter please mark your calendars for the 2010 Sheridan County Achievement Program. I strongly encourage 4-H members, leaders, parents and families to attend and celebrate the achievements that 4-H members and leaders have accomplished this past year. I hope you are enjoying the fall colors and the beautiful weather we have been having!
Happy Fall
Stephanie Stimpson, 4-H InternSheridan County 4-H
4-Family! 4-Fun! 4-Everyone!
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Posted on October 2, 2013 by jlind7
Join Montana 4-H as they welcome the Western Region Leaders’ Forum (WRLF) to Billings in March 2014. Agents, staff and volunteers are hard at work planning a conference that will help you to “Discover the Past . Present . Possibilities of 4-H”. Participants will enjoy a first class conference facility and hotel accommodations, national speakers, local entertainment and over 60 informational workshops.
WRLF is an exciting time to network with peers from across the region sharing ideas and building relationships to carry 4-H into the future.
All meals except state’s night out are included in the registration fee.
Registration will be open November 1, 2013
Registration will be open November 1, 2013
All Sheridan County 4-H Leaders are encouraged to attend! There are even opportunities to receive funding through Council. If you are a Sheridan County 4-H Parent and have wondered if you might like to enroll as a 4-H Leader, this conference will also be a great opportunity for you to explore the idea of 4-H leadership and how you can get involved! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jerrica at the Extension Office. 674-2980
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Posted on April 2, 2012 by jlind7
Posted in Uncategorized
Posted on March 28, 2012 by jlind7
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 4-H, 4h, sheridan, sheridan county, wyoming, wyoming youth, Youth, Youth development
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Come celebrate the 2010 Sheridan County 4-H Achievement Program:
Annual achievement program will be held November 14 at 2:00 pm at the Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds. Come to support and see the achievements made by all of the Sheridan County 4-H members and leaders. The winners of interview judging, high point awards, herdsmanship and special awards will be announced at this time. Come cheer on your fellow 4-H members!
Centerpiece Challenge:
The Leaders’ Council will be hosting the third annual Centerpiece Challenge at the Achievement Program. The theme this year is “An Old Fashion 4-H Celebration in Sheridan County.” Your challenge is to create a centerpiece based on the theme “Old Fashion” and bring it to the Achievement Program. There will be an ice cream social this year so design a centerpiece that has to do with old fashion ice cream social. Use old fashion bandanas to spice up your centerpiece. Centerpieces will be used for decoration and will be sent home afterwards. So put your creativity to work!
Science Day:
The third annual National 4-H Youth Science Day is October 6. This is a nationwide event that all 4-H members around the United States will participate in. This year the experiment has to do with water quality. Sheridan County will participate in the National 4-H Youth Science Day on October 12 at 6:00 in the Extension Office. All 4-H members are encouraged to come and experiment. Please RSVP by October 11 so we have enough kits for everyone. If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office.
National 4-H Conference:
Looking for a great opportunity to visit our nation’s capital and meet new friends from all across the country? If so, then National 4-H Conference is the place to be. National 4-H Conference is held April 2-April 7 2011 in Washington D.C. Participants assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H Youth Development programs nationally and in their communities. This is a working conference where delegates prepare in advance, attend workshops, and develop recommendations during the conference.
To be eligible, you must be between 15-18 years old, completed at least three full years of 4-H work, and carrying a 4-H project. Delegates are selected through an application and interview process. Applications are due October 15, 2010 and contact the Extension Office if you are interested in applying. This is a great opportunity so do not pass it up! Please see the attached form for the application.
Community Food Drive:
The holidays are a perfect time to give back to your community. The Community Food Drive is becoming a tradition with 4-H members in Sheridan County. The Food Drive will be held November 20 from 10am to 1 pm at Warehouse Market, Albertsons, Wal-Mart and Safeway. We need at least one club at every store. There will be a meeting in front of the Court House on November 20 at 9:15 am for the club leaders who will receive material that will be handed out to shoppers in front of the stores. Everyone in Sheridan County is gathering on Wednesday, December 1 at 6:00 pm at the Fairgrounds Shop to bag all of the food collected. The following clubs will be at the following stores: Wyotana Grizzlies – Warehouse Market, Critters, Crafts & Cooking – Albertsons, Sheridan Livestock – Safeway. We are still looking for a club for Wal-Mart. If your club is not mentioned and you would like to participate please contact the Extension Office.
Superintendent Meeting Minutes:
The superintendents/ Fair meeting was called to order on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:00 pm. In attendance was Scott Hininger (Ag Educator), Stephanie Stimpson (4-H Intern), Nick Siddle (FFA), David Kane ( Beef), Lynn Latham (FFA), Brenda Caiola (Horse), Kellie Carroll (Poultry).
Sheridan County Fair 2011 will be July 30 – Aug 6. Scott brought up for discussion dirty lamb/pig pens. Ideas that were talked about were have the pens labeled with numbers, which would make it easier for superintendents to distinguish who was in what pen. Announce at Fair if pens are not clean by a certain date then, they will be charged $50. This is an issue that will be discussed with the Fair board. It will be brought up at another time.
With the Livestock Sale being on a Friday this year everyone seemed to like it better than on a Monday. Superintendents/ Fair Committee would like to have the Livestock Sale on a Friday next year Aug 5.
Kellie Carroll brought up that bathrooms that were tore down at the Fairgrounds would not be reinstalled. We would like to have Leaders or parents write letters to the Fair Board expressing that we would like to have bathrooms with showers put in the SE part of the Fairgrounds.
David brought up that he would like to have the beef stalls tilled and more sand bought in. He would also like to have a gate put in between the beef show ring and the wash racks.
There was also discussion about moving poultry to the round barn next year. Brenda brought up there needs to be a better air conditioning unit in the rabbit barn.
Meeting adjourned
Council Meeting Minutes:
Leaders’ Council meeting was called to order on September 27, 2010 by President Tana Stimpson. Minutes from the last meeting were not available. The treasurers report was read by Susie Terry. Thank you cards from members attending the State Fair were read by Tana, Susie and Carol French.
Old Business
The Carnival banner that is hung at the Best Western has been lost. Stephanie will do some checking for prices to buy a new banner. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
New Business
Stephanie brought up that bathrooms will not be replaced that were tore down at the Fairgrounds. She asked that if Leaders or parents would write letters to the Fair Board asking if the bathrooms could be reinstalled.
For those that turned in their receipts for Showcase Showdown will be reimbursed $127.50 for their travel expense. A motion was made by Wendy Hope and Carol seconded that motion.
The annual Community Food Drive will be on November 20 from 10-1pm and there will be an inventory count at the Fairgrounds beginning at 1 pm. The bagging of the food will be on December 1 at 6 pm in the Fairgrounds shop.
The Achievement Program will be held on November 14th at 2 pm at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. There will be an ice cream social this year. It was decided that members would bring centerpieces for decoration and would take the centerpieces home afterwards. A theme for Achievement Program was not decided but will be decided at a later time.
Selections were made for Outstanding Leader, First Year Leader award and Hard Luck Award. Friend of 4-H was not decided on and will be decided on at a later time.
The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will be held on November 1 at 5:30.
Leaders’ Council Meeting:
The next Leaders’ Council meeting has been scheduled for November 1st at 5:30 pm in the Extension Office. Final plans and awards for the Achievement Program will be discussed. The budget for the new year will be discussed along with electing officers. Leaders are also asked to bring ideas for how to improve the portfolios for next year. The Leaders’ Council mainly consists of volunteer leaders but meetings are open to any interested individuals such as members and parents. It is an opportunity to help guide the Sheridan County 4-H program.
Junior Leaders’ Club:
Next Junior Leaders’ Meeting is October 11 at 5:30 pm in the Extension Office. October marks the beginning of the new 4-H year so we will be making plans for the year to come including electing officers, setting goals and making plans. You do not want to miss this one! The Junior Leaders’ Club is open to any youth 13 years or older. Previous members are challenged to bring a friend. Let’s double our club!
State Fair Results:
Sorry if there were 4-H members that were left out of the State Fair results. Only some of the State Fair results have been posted. The State Fair results that were in the last news letter were ones that the Extension Office was aware of. As of now there have not been any new posting of the State Fair results. State Fair has a new program they are using for posting results and we have been told they do not know all the results will be posted. Sorry about the miscommunication. For any questions please call the Extension Office.
Western Youth Rabbit Show:
This fun show is open to all youth who would like to show pedigree and pet rabbits. There will be a youth showmanship contest, Breed ID contest and Judging Clinic contest. All events will take place Saturday, October 16 at 10:00 am at the Pennington County 4-H Building in Rapid City South Dakota.
ARBA standards will be followed and prizes will be awarded. Bring your Junior and Senior rabbits and plan to have fun! Sloppy Joes, chips and drinks will be available. There will be a potluck dessert, so plan on brining a pan or plate of your favorite desert to share. For more information please contact Cinda Jones, 605-673-3497 or e-mail
National Western Stock Show Catch-A-Calf:
Colorado is inviting you to apply for the Catch-A-Calf Program sponsored by the upcoming National Western Stock Show. The National Western Stock Show Catch-A-Calf Program is a great program designed to promote youth development and understanding of the cattle feeding industry. This program can provide youth with an opportunity to be part of one of the best programs at the National Western Stock Show. Youth are encouraged to manage their projects from the mindset commercial cattle feeding.
Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 18 as of December 31, 2010 to apply, and also enrolled in 4-H at the time of application. Successful catchers must have adequate facilities available to house their steer as they are responsible for the care, feeding, and handling of their animal. For further details refer to the website:
Applications are due to Dinah Peebles (2775 Hwy 50; P.O Box 20, 000-5028, Grand Junction, CO, 81502-5028) postmarked no later than December 1, 2010. Applications are available at the Extension Office or on the National Western Stock Show website. If you have any questions please call Dinah at 970-244-1837, or contact her at
Items in the Office to Pickup:
Katelyn Kayser, Cody Jolovich, Justin Hope, Alex Jelly, Mikalea Moore, Michaela Pena, Sam Haskett, Sierra Zowada, Olivia Boley, Madelene Anderson, Jackie Lewis, Shay Palmer, Mason Schroder and Brody Bard. These members have items or awards left in the Extension Office from County Fair, State Fair, County Shoot or State Shoot. Please some in and pick them up as soon as you can!
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